Welcome to Shofar Delft

We’re a congregation of about 30 people meeting in Delft, committed to developing strong Christian leaders within the community who’ll help transform their surroundings.
We have new families joining the church weekly, and we’re very pleased to have a lively and ever-growing children’s ministry in an area that’s known for violent crimes against children.
You’re welcome to email us at delft@shofaronline.org or call us at 021 976 5248 if you’d like to know more about us. You can also come to visit us at our office.
We gather together at 10:00 on Sundays at Hindle Road West Primary School for church services and also have small groups that meet during the week.
You’re very welcome to join us!
Alfred and Claudine Kagaba

021 976 5248 delft@shofaronline.org


sermon audio


Morning Service
hindle west primary school, corktree road, N2 gateway, delft

Church Office Address
hindle west primary school, corktree road, N2 gateway, delft

Live Stream


Alfred Kagaba

Senior Pastor


Dr John Andrews

Developing A Culture Of Discipleship

Read more


Giving tithes and offerings is one of the ways we worship God: a thankful response to His faithfulness.
If you would like to partner with us financially, please make use of the details below.

Main Account

account name: shofar delft
bank: nedbank
branch code: 198765
account no.: 1057442534
type: cheque